Your True Coffee Connoisseurs

Vesel & Me is a platform that provides aspiring entrepreneurs with an opportunity to receive guidance and support from experienced mentors over a cup of coffee. The program offers a unique approach to mentorship by creating an informal setting where entrepreneurs can discuss their business ideas, receive feedback, and network with like-minded individuals. The mentors, who are successful business owners themselves, offer valuable insights and advice based on their own experiences. Vesel & Me aims to foster a community of entrepreneurs and provide them with the resources they need to succeed in their ventures. The program has received positive feedback from both mentors and mentees.

What You Are Looking For

– Operation & Management Consultant
– Website Development

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What You Are Looking For

– Candidates Hiring Process
– Barista Training

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What You Are Looking For

– Menu Development
– Beverage Training

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What You Are Looking For

– Supplier Arrangement
– Products
– Business Health Check

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Are you thinking of starting your own café? Or do you own a café but you’re looking for somebody to train your team of baristas?

Our Services

Enjoy the best Connoisseurs Journey

Operataion Management (SOP)

In a management and operation part, It all comes down to managing your staffs, your stock inventory, and customer’s inquiry is when the headache happens. But not to worry, we are here to ensure that you have what you need to know and the necessary skills your staff need to run your business smoothly. We are here for you in your business journey.

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Candidates Hiring Process

Selecting & Filtering the right candidates for your team is important when running any businesses. By working with likeminded people, it will ensure you and your team a harmonious and effective work culture in your work space.

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Barista Training

The cafe environment is an indispensable part of modern life, cafe member’s focus on crafting unforgettable and pleasant F&B experience for our customer, while maintaining a balance of healthy commerce performances.

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Menu Development

We focus on crafting unforgettable and pleasant F&B experience for our customers, while trainining a balance of service crew commerce performances. We provide consultation and setting up of operation flows.

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Supplier Arrangement

Are you looking for suppliers to aid in creating your perfect beverage menu? Or looking for a new espresso machine to upgrade your bar aesthetics ?

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Digital Marketing

Technology is one of the factors of branding. We structure information in ways clients can relate to by building an interface not only consistent with the brand but ensuring the delight & clarity in user experience.

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Our Awesome Team

Great to meet you

Management & Operation

Management & Operation Consultant

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Department

Barista Trainer

Services Training Consultant

Supplier Arrangement

Connection Department

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